Вакансія від 10 травня 2024
Orange Hunters

Product manager

  • Orange Hunters, Агенція

      Пошук персоналу, HR; 10–50 співробітників
    • Дистанційна робота
    • Kateryna Androniuk
      +370 606 52537
    • Повна зайнятість. Також готові взяти студента, людину з інвалідністю, ветерана, пенсіонера. Досвід роботи від 2 років.
    • Англійська — середній
    Вакансію зараз переглядає 1 шукач. Відгукніться першим!

    Опис вакансії

    About Client:

    Our client is a marketing agency specializing in providing outsourced and outstaff marketing services for iGaming products across the African continent.


    • 2.5+ years of experience in developing iOS and Android applications
    • Knowledge of the following Adjust, AppsFlyer, FireBase, Miro, Figma, GA4
    • English — minimum B2+
    • Minimum bachelor’s degree. Preferably in the information technology field.


    • Market research and analysis

    The future employee will conduct research and market analysis to identify user needs and trends in Android/iOS applications.

    • Developing a product strategy based on market research
    • Participation in the product life cycle

    Tracking product performance, proposing adjustments to product strategy and planning product updates

    • Cooperation with the development team

    Work with the development team to implement the product requirements, manage backlog, and sprint planning.

    • Quality control

    Quality control of the application before its release, compliance with requirements and standards.

    • Cooperation with marketing department

    Work with a marketing team to promote the application and harmonize product strategies

    Hiring steps:

    1. Application
    2. Pre-screening Interview with Recruiter
    3. Technical Test task
    4. Technical interview
    5. Job Offer

    Orange Hunters

    Пошук персоналу, HR, 10–50 співробітників

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