Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development

Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації, 10–50 співробітників

We are committed to preventing conflict and building resilient societal structures and relationships which consolidate peace. Our evidence-based peacebuilding methodology helps us identify underlying conflict-forming dynamics and key drivers of change, allowing us to recommend to partners strategies for interrupting and transforming societal trends which lead to violent conflict. We work with partners to help them design and test conflict transformation theories of change before sponsoring and endorsing new peacebuilding programmes. This helps organisations to allocate funds cost effectively, targeting programmes which are most likely to have a positive impact on peacebuilding outcomes.

Our approach is underpinned by a commitment to accompanying partners on their journeys to build peaceful societies. Through all stages of our engagement with national partners we identify opportunities to train local researchers and practitioners on using evidence-based peacebuilding research methodologies. Our goal is to share and transfer knowledge, ensuring national experts can make use of evidence-based strategies to design community level peacebuilding and conflict prevention projects and approaches. The establishment of national reflection groups and the transfer of knowledge to national partners is an intrinsic part of our co-creation philosophy, which is designed to enhance the effectiveness and impact of peace agendas. In this way we accompany national partners from different parts of government and the wider society on the journey to produce results which support positive social change outcomes.


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