Резюме від 30 травня 2024 Файл


Переводчик (English)


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Aleksey Shkondin
Engels street 91, ap.3, Druzhkovka, Ukraine
Telephone (Home): [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Professional profile
A confident and successful translation specialist having served multiple professional roles in various industries for
over ten years. Capable of working in high-pressure deadline based environments and possess team building,
conflict resolution and negotiation skills needed to serve both public as well as private sector undertakings. Highly
motivated and acquired advanced abilities in multiple languages such as Russian, Ukrainian and English in all
areas such as translation, proofreading, oral and written communication. Possess advanced knowledge in all the
software tools like Trados, TradeWind, Idiom World Server, TMS, Transit and MS Helium, that help in translation
and also conversant with web search and indexing mechanisms to increase page hit ratio.

Career summary
2010-2012 Translation & Localisation Project Manager
Alpha CRC, UK
 Managing project translation, liaising and interacting with clients, vendors and linguists about translation and
procedures, using software such as Trados, TradeWind, Idiom WorldServer and TMS.
 Creating and maintaining budget reports, analysis reports and invoices.
Key Achievements
 Promoted to Project Manager within eight months after starting career as a Production Assistant.
 Initially starting with low budget client Xoom and later getting chosen to work for much bigger clients such as
McAfee, Symantec and APC as a credit for increased performance.

2006-2010 Verification Auditor
NAMSA (NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency), Ukraine
 Checking arms and ammunition whether in-loaded, destroyed and out-loaded conditions from arms facilities,
auditing arms and ammunition and weapon data components and supervising demilitarisation operations.
 Supporting contract management and liaising with staff on ongoing issues, assisting project supervisors
during operational VIP visits (US Department of State representatives and US Ambassador to Ukraine among
other NATO/NAMSA officials).
 Co-ordinating daily, weekly and monthly data status reporting and assisting in translating project documents.
Key Achievements
 Successfully implementing different project phases of different types of ammunition demilitarisation like,
MANPADS (man-portable air-defence systems), SALW (small arms and light weapons) and ammunition
 Maintained four project sites in various different locations of Ukraine, developing own method of auditing and
tracking that can cover two project sites simultaneously.

2004-2006 Project Manager / Translator
Advanced International Translations (AIT), Ukraine
 Managing project translations for different requirements, using software tools for translational aid like Trados,
Transit, MS helium for translating English into Ukrainian and Russian.
Key Achievements
 Provided outstanding office support, managed and gathered more information into organizational website to
make it the number one in Google search results, delivered projects on time while managing different kinds of

2001-2002 Surveillance Officer
Rastr Alpha, Ltd, Ukraine
 Surveillance of games and general casinos, reporting fraud and cheat cases to senior management,
implementing and checking credit card transactions.
 Working closely with security staff in assisting with conflicting and fraudulent cases, performing other ad hoc
duties assigned by the management.
Key Achievements
 Improved decision making and alertness dealing with circumstances, ability to work under pressure in both
English and Russian/Ukrainian team environments.

1993-1994 District Inspector
Druzhkovka Department of Inner Affairs, Ukraine
 Dealing with citizens’ issues and complaints, delivering inspiring public speech in schools, participating in
different operations of department.

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Career summary continued
Key Achievements
 Promoted to the rank of Junior Lieutenant after starting initially as a Sergeant within two months due to
excellence in work, developed motivational abilities due to access to all levels of Public Speech and

Education and qualifications
College of Media and Proofreading and Editing course, Achieved Pass with Distinction (2018)
Publishing, UK
MA Diplomacy, University of Reading, UK (2003), Achieved Pass with Merit
Specialist Degree French & English, Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Ukraine
Major International Studies, Orange Community College, Middletown, USA, (2000)

Key I.T. skills
MS Word, MS Excel, Windows 10, Windows7, Windows Vista, XP, Outlook, Internet research

Personal details
Interests Include: Social Sciences

References are available on request

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