Резюме від 16 травня 2024 Файл


Генеральний директор

48 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Vyacheslav Galchenko

48 years old, born 1975

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (WhatsApp)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Vyacheslav Galchenko | Linkedin
City: Kyiv

Looking for a position

Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Transformation and Digitalization Director,
Project and Program Manager

About Me

My motivations are ambitious plans. Easily adapt to changes and implement new practices in my activities. I build
stable relationship with stakeholders, which leads to synergy of interaction. A win-win approach is the best way to
doing business. I am a supporter of goal & performance management, but I understand and use modern trends in
personal leadership and inspiring people.

Core competencies are:
- managing the largest business process transformation programs based on SAP solutions in Ukraine,
- operational efficiency, business analysis, economic thinking, cost-benefits approach,
- project management, management of large project teams.

Key advantages: honesty and frankness, proactivity, openness to new things, desire for more, focus on results, but
not at any cost, positive thinking, continuous learning and adopting new technologies.
Now I am working on: critical thinking, assertiveness, problem solving.

Languages: Ukrainian – Native speaker
English – Upper-intermediate to Advanced (B2-C1)

Work experience – more than 20 years

August 2020 – Present Technical University "METINVEST POLYTECHNIC"
Digital Transformation Officer

The digitalization strategy of Metinvest University has been formed and agreed, the architecture of campus
information support and virtual learning environment has been designed (5 projects in the program). The IT
landscape of the online University has been built. Educational resources from 7 global high-tech companies have
been attracted, a business analytics course based on Microsoft has been created.
Metinvest Polytechnic uses the Moodle digital platform to organize the educational process (metinvest.media)

August 2016 - August METINVEST DIGITAL
2020 Business Applications Director (SAP and non-SAP systems Center of Expertise)

Management of Metinvest Group's business process transformation program based on the SAP product line (more
than 20 projects, at list 150+ FTE from IT, $50M+ of added value). A system of interaction between the IT team and
business (approaches, processes, feedback) has been implemented. The processes of Value Management, project
management, resource planning have been established. Management according to goals and performance metrics.
SAP MetinvestDigital Solutions
October 2010 - August DTEK Service LLC
2016 Head of SAP Systems Department

Creation of an internal SAP Competence Center from scratch (organizational structure, functions, recruitment,
development). Certification. SAP Product Implementation Program Management. Creating a business case.
Participation in the Program Value Management. Negotiations in the licensing, contracting. Implementation of
Application Lifecicle Management based on SAP Solution Manager. Project audit, quality assurance.

October 2008 - August OJSC "Pavlogradugol"
2010 Director for Economics and Finance, Deputy Director
Management of the financial department (300 employees, budget management, accounting, investment project
asessement). A KPI and benchmarking system for the company's coal mining industry has been developed and
implemented. Head of the Procurement Committee. (Cost saving by $10 million per year due to transparency and
effective negotiations). Head of the Investment Committee. (annual budget $100 million) SAP ERP implementation
project management. Business Architecture of Processes in Finance, Management Accounting, Investments, Repairs
areas. ERP Product Owner role.
DTEK Starts Implementing SAP Business Solutions — Delo.ua

May 2007 - September TOV Omfal Stone Mining Plant
2008 CEO

Crisis management. Resumption of production, establishment of logistics supply and sales chains. The number of
employees of the enterprise is 300+ and the annual turnover is 5 mln. Achievements - development strategy, team
building, increase in production by 200%, client’s list increase by 3 times.

May 2000 - April 2007 JSC "Ukrpidshypnyk", MMZ "ISTIL" (Ukraine)
Acting Chief Financial Officer, Deputy. Chief Financial Officer, Deputy. Head of Management Reporting Department

Management Accounting Methodology
Management of the MBS AXAPTA implementation project, investment project’s analysis, transformation of
accounting from local standarts to US GAAP


Donetsk State Technical University
Underground mining of mineral deposits
Mining Engineer, Accountant

Donetsk Institute of Entrepreneurship
Economics, Jurisprudence
Economist, Legal Adviser
2003 Certified International Professional Accountant
CIPA certification (CAP/CIPA в Украине : Главная (capcipa.ua)

Business School of British Open University
2019 INSEAD (mini MBA)

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