Резюме від 21 березня 2024 Файл


Керівник театральної студії

23 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Nana Zabolotna

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Kyiv, Ukraine
Salzwedel, Germany

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Hi, my name is Nana Zabolotna. I’m 23 years old, originally from Ukraine. I am a responsible, orderly and hardworking person. I take responsibility for what I put in my hands and I always finish everything what I start, to the end. I currently live in Salzwedel, Germany. I have a biometric Ukrainian passport and paragraph 24 in Germany. Ready to move to any other part of Germany or another country.
• Studio “Ice laser” – administrator, content manager.
• Studio “Marmelad” – administrator, content manager.
• Studio “Lazerjazz” - master of laser hair removal.
• Studio "Lazerroom", (ukr. „Лазеррум“) - master of laser hair removal.
• Studio “Gold line” - master of laser hair removal.
• Salons – “Mon Cheri” and “Birdie” – director.
• Company "Let's go with us", (ukr. „Поїхали з нами“) - senior sales manager, senior tourism manager - implementation of the sales plan in the office, studying new directions in tourism, hotel base; creation of individual and group tours.
• TV channel "Apostrophe" - Journalist. Together with the KUKA team, we initially created the “National Morning” (ukr. “Національний ранок”) show, starting from the concept, content, headings, the show team itself and all its creative and implementation aspects. After that, they directly worked on the show itself as experts in certain categories in their fields, journalists, and simply on blitz surveys. There is also an understanding of the work of a guest editor, line producer, and assistant creative producer. Podolsk district administration of the city of Kyiv. Internship in the department of culture, tourism and cultural heritage protection
• TV channel "Ukraine" – Journalist, Internship on the project “Skin Worry” (ukr. “Стосується кожного”). Search for stories and characters for the project
• TV channel "1+1". – Journalist, Internship on the project “Speak all Ukraine” (ukr. “Говорить вся країна”). Search for stories and characters for the project
• Token clip “Life without an Adam’s apple”, (rus. „Жизнь без Кадыка“)
Main responsibilities: recruitment of actors, storyboards for the video clip. Token clip “Life without an Adam’s apple”.

Participation in international festivals with the choir:
• “Chorus inside summer”, international competition of choirs and vocal performers at the Marruccino Opera House in Chieti., Italy + gala concert at the Pantheon
• “VICTORIA in CROATIA” International vocal & choral competition and festival
• II All-Ukrainian Choral Festival of Christmas Music in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ - Kyiv city
• “Notes of Greetings and Peace” - internationalchoral festival - Sicily, Messina (original name: Rassegna Corale internazionale IN CHORO VERITAS "Note di accoglienza e di Pace")

• Communication
• Critical Thinking
• Creativity
• Collaboration
• Leadership
• Time Management.


• Private Higher Educational Institution “Kiev University of Culture”. Educational Programme “Theatre and Cinema Acting”. Accredited by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, obtained qualification: Bachelor’s Degree. Field of Study 02 “Culture and Arts”. Programme Subject Area 026: “Performing Arts”.

• Communal Higher Educational Establishment of Kyiv Regional Council “Pavlo Chubynsky academy of arts”, obtained qualification, education level: Junior Specialist. Program Subject Area “Music Art”. Professional qualification: the pop artist (vocalist), teacher of art school (pop singing).

• Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Accredited by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, obtained qualification: Bachelor’s Degree. Field of Study: Law 081.


• I have a driver’s license, category “B”.
• Certificate of proficiency in the state language for civil servants dated January 21, 2022 – first stage fluency level – 00089146
• I work with CRM systems. I have experience with the following: Clever, Beauty Pro, Binotel, CRM system of the company “Come with us”, I am also studying Jira.
• “KUKA” – school of Evgeniy Dudnik. Faculty of “creators” (Directors, producers).
• Certificate of training – “Master of laser hair removal” (diode lasers). Experience with devices: Kaani Princess, Soprano Ice Platinum, Prime Laser, Ultimate.
• Certificate of training – “Master of eyelash lamination”.

I am writing to express my interest in this position at your company, as advertised. With a years of experience in this field, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and drive success in this role.
Throughout my career, I have developed a strong foundation in myself and in my skills. My dedication to problem-solving abilities, teamwork, communication and etc. has consistenly enabled me to deliver results and exceed expectations.
Enclosed is my resume, which further outlines my qualifications. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills and passion align with the needs of your company. Thank you for considering my application, I look forward to the possibility of contributing your team. Warmest regards, Nana.


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