Резюме від 21 травня 2024 Файл


Social media manager, Content Creator

36 років
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Контактна інформація

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Maria Spivak
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

● Content creation: Curating engaging content including visuals for stories, videos, and posts,
adeptly crafting compelling texts; and developing creative advertising materials.
● Content Planning: Expertise in scheduling and organizing the creation and publishing of text and
media content for digital platforms; developing content calendars to optimize engagement and
● Project Management: Coordinating content planning, production, and publication with various
● Digital Platforms: Critical understanding of digital platforms (Linkedin, TikTok, Instagram,
Facebook) and emerging trends.
● Teamwork: Collaborating with marketing, sales, recruitment, HR, and other teams to provide
seamless communication support for key projects and campaigns.
● Communication: Committed to fostering open dialogue, promoting understanding and achieving
goals through effective communication. Proposing new initiatives, identifying areas for
improvement, and contributing to enhancing overall communication strategies.


 Video editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, VN
 Photo editing and design software: Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Capture One, Canva,
Microsoft Designer
 Google suite, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, Notion, Frame.io
 Hubspot, Hurma HR CRM
 DSLR Camera, Film Camera, Lighting, Audio
 AI tools: ChatGPT, Gemini, Dall-E, Captions, Adobe Podcast, Reblum



Ivory Studio Doha, Qatar (April 2023 - October 2023)
Weddings/ Events/ Jewelry / Fashion Photography & Videography
Content Creator | Videographer

Key Accountabilities:

 Creating captivating photo and video creatives and copy to enhance brand presence and
engagement across social media platforms.
 Creating engaging and dynamic video content for various projects, ensuring alignment with client
goals and brand identity.
 Managing all aspects of video production, including pre-production planning, shooting, editing,
and post-production tasks.
 Collaborating closely with clients and creative teams to develop concepts, storyboards, and
scripts for video projects.
 Staying up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies to consistently deliver
innovative and visually compelling content.
 Successfully meeting project deadlines and exceeding client expectations by delivering
exceptional videos that resonate with target audiences.

The Outcome:

 Enhanced the brand's presence across social media platforms, increasing visibility and
recognition among the target audience.
 Increased client satisfaction, resulting in retention, strengthened client relationships, and fostered
long-term partnerships.

The Natural LifeStyles Estonia, remote position (February 2023 - April 2023)
Informational products and educational courses
Video Editor

Key Accountabilities:

● Created engaging short-form videos tailored for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels
● Proficiently repurposed existing content to maximize its reach and impact.
● Enhanced video content by adding subtitles, motion graphics, and sound effects to captivate and
engage the audience effectively.

The Outcome:

 Higher levels of audience engagement, including likes, shares, comments, and follows.
 Expanded reach through proficiently repurposing existing content to fit different platforms,
resulting in increased brand visibility.
 Increased website visits, sign-ups, and purchases.

Allstars-IT Kyiv, Ukraine (September 2019 – February 2022)

International IT outstaffing company

Digital Media Content Creator

Key Accountabilities:

 In collaboration with the marketing team, developed a comprehensive content strategy for the
company's social media channels, ensuring a consistent and impactful online presence.
 Produced captivating long-form videos, taking projects from initial concept to polished final
output, showcasing proficiency in scriptwriting and content creation.
 Crafted engaging short-form videos tailored specifically for the company's various social media
 Captured high-quality photographs to enhance and complement digital marketing campaigns,
bolstering the company's visual identity.

The Outcome:

 Collaborated effectively with cross-functional teams, aligning content with brand guidelines and
marketing objectives to ensure a cohesive and successful content marketing approach.
 The company experienced increased engagement and brand visibility across social media
platforms. The content strategy contributed to a substantial rise in follower counts and improved
audience interaction rates.
 The compelling long-form videos received positive feedback from the audience, resulting in
higher view counts and longer watch times, contributing to overall brand awareness and customer
 The engaging short-form videos garnered higher shares and reach, increasing the company's
online presence and attracting new customers.
 The high-quality photographs elevated the visual appeal of marketing campaigns, leading to a
stronger connection with the target audience and improved campaign performance.


● Higher diploma, Marketing, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine (2005-


● Social Media Marketing by HubSpot Academy (January 2023)

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