Резюме від 8 травня 2024 Файл


Молодший гейм-дизайнер

28 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Суми

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Artem Nesterov

Sumy, Ukraine

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Date of birth 29/03/1996 | Nationality Ukrainian

• Good understanding of game design principles, game mechanics and gamer’s experience;
• a passion for gaming and a wide gaming experience in PC, Console, and Mobile games;
• worked on commercial IT projects for 6+ years (as C#/.NET Developer);
• Git, Jira, Trello, + Scrum, Kanban & Scrumban used on real projects – 6+ years;
• good practical skills on Figma, Google Docs & Sheets, Excel;
• strong proficiency in English (B2) with advanced communication skills, including presentations and project meetings in English with foreign customers on a daily basis;
• well-coordinated and effective work in team & independently: worked closely with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment between requirements, development and testing;
• basic understanding and experience with Unity engine;
• strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail;
• staying up to date on gaming industry trends and best practices;
• experience in unit & manual testing of IT products;
• Strong C#/.NET skills: .NET Framework & Core, strong C# programming skills, data processing via Entity Framework; SQL, database design, MS SQL; Software architecture knowledge: OOP, SOLID, KISS, DRY, TDD, DDD and software design patterns – 6+ years;
• Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Octopus, Kibana & Elasticsearch – 2+ years.
• proficient analytical mindset and skills, but with creative approach to tasks, and a powerful desire to work as a Game Designer, otherwise I wouldn’t change my Senior Developer job.


.NET Developer

Online banking project at N-iX, Remote (working from Sumy, Ukraine)

• worked on online banking web systems for UK bank and its internal services;
• implementing and working with Blazor as UI component on user-centered projects;
• creating and extending RESTful APIs and unit tests for online banking web services.

.NET Developer

Apptimized, Sumy (Ukraine)

• actively participated in software development with .NET Core stack, MVC design pattern, and MS SQL;
• worked on Apptimized desktop products using WPF framework and MVVM pattern;
• developed internal software packaging automation tools and financial module for Apptimized internal web solution.

DevOps Engineer

Apptimized, Sumy (Ukraine)

• development and testing of software packages using MSI and App-V technologies.

QA Engineer

NetCracker, Sumy (Ukraine)

• testing of NetCracker's product for US customer.


Master's degree in Computer Science
Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine)
• implementation of software design patterns using Java and C# (.NET Core)
• practice in project management methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, DDD, TDD)
• diploma project with Data Warehouses and .NET Core web solution.

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Sumy State University, Sumy (Ukraine)

• C++, Java, C# and JavaScript programming skills (basics, OOP principles);
• good knowledge and practice (diploma & pet projects) in C# and .NET tech stack;
• practical skills in SQL, experience in work with DBM systems such as MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle.

09/04/2024 – Present (planned till 07/2024)
System Game Designer educational program (Skvot)
Skvot, online
• identifying the stages of game development and the tasks of a game designer at each stage;
• learning how to create concepts and understand the psychology of players;
• writing game documentation and technical specifications for features.
• designing game mechanics, determining monetization for the project, and pitching ideas to the client.

09/04/2024 – Present (planned till 08/2024)
Narrative Designer educational program (Skvot)

Skvot , online

• structuring knowledge in drama, learning how to write for different game genres;
• walk through the narrator's pipeline, learning how to create characters, quests, and stories that resonate with players and motivate them to complete the game;
• the portfolio after course completion: game setting pitch, character descriptions, main and side quests for a single-player story-driven game, dialog, cutscenes, and game texts.


Mother language(s)
Other language(s)
English (B2), Russian (C1)
Communication skills
proficient communication skills in Ukrainian and English, gained on previous positions through wide experience of presentations for foreign customers and regular meetings with team & management.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Level designer (game design)

Game designer

Game designer

Graphic designer (UX/UI design, illustration)
40000 грн, Дистанційно

Design Team Lead, Senior Graphic Designer, E-commerce manager
140000 грн, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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