Резюме від 2 червня 2024 PRO


Head of Sales, Manager, Coach Trainer, Scriptologist, Audit, Call Center

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
57 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of Global Sales for English, Arabic, Asian, Rus desks, sales trainer

з 04.2022 по 05.2023 (1 рік 1 місяць)
Crypto Exchange, financial services, Київ (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

CFD, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Crypto Exchange, Forex
Result: over a period of 3 months, conversion rates have increased: English desk 8.7% (against 4.5%), Arabic 7.2% (against 3.4%), Asian 7.6% (against 4.5%), Russian 9.5% (against 7.5%). A sales quality control and mentoring system has been implemented to maintain the achieved level of conversion. Area of responsibility: goal setting, recruitment, motivation, training, coaching, monitoring the implementation of tasks, dismissal of inefficient specialists. Conducting product trainings on cryptocurrency, on telephone sales skills, coaching sessions to improve the quality of sales for call center specialists.

Head of World Class Sales, Call Center, English / Russian / Ukrainian

з 10.2021 по 02.2022 (4 місяці)
Prozorro.Sales – National Electronic Exchange, Ukraine, Київ (Нерухомість)

(Auction sales of state and municipal property, real estate, land, resources, assets, vehicles and infrastructure, as well as rent and leases.)
The project was stopped due to the start of military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Result: (A) sales grow 200%+ from newcomers that are on the trial period. (B) Sales audit uncover resources for 300%+ sales grow in 4 months, namely: optimization of CPM and sales process (10%+), optimization of commercial areas (10%+), competitions and sales cycles (10%+) , selling against competitors (10%+), auditing calls (10%+), coaching (10%+), correction of the training system (10%+), standardization of objection handling (10%+ ), best practice sharing (10%+), recruiting scaling (10%+), scorecard and KPI optimization (10%+). (C) Sales excellence plan agreed and on implementation phase according with terms and priorities

Head of World Class Sales, sales excellence & sales quality improvement for retail net of outlets. English / Russian / Ukrainian

з 08.2019 по 10.2021 (2 роки 2 місяці)
Credit Agricole Bank Ukraine, 2000+ employers, Київ (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Result: (1) 2021 – the bank took 2nd place* in Ukraine in terms of customer loyalty index, rising from 5th place where it was in 2019. As a result, the sales plan completion rate of the retail network of branches was 80%+, which is an absolute record for the last 7 years. (2)World Class Sales and Sales Excellence methodology deployed in 150+ retail net of outlets over Ukraine. (3) Number of trained and certified specialists exceeded: 380+ sales executives, 80+ outlet managers, 40+ internal trainers. (4) As result of pandemic COVID-19 - online trainings delivery have completely replaced the conduct of classroom trainings that improve country coverage, effectiveness and minimize the cost. (5) Onboarding process for newcomers and “The University of the Retail Sales” have been implemented. (6) Contact Center department fully equipped with new range of 4 sales training programs with total duration of 8 days.
* - https://minfin.com.ua/banks/rating/?date=2022-02-21

Head of Global Sales. International Call Center. English / Russian

з 03.2019 по 05.2019 (2 місяці)
Booking Health Gmbh, Київ (Medical tourism)

Result: +300% sales grow in 3 months. Responsible for sales performance & sales team, setting sales targets, dismissing weak sales executives, developing existing sales & recruiting new sales, delivering sales trainings, coaching, performing audit, KPI, sales standards and processes, motivation.

Head of Global Sales / Sales Coach-Trainer. International Call Center. English / Russian

з 02.2017 по 03.2019 (2 роки 1 місяць)
Media Stream BHG,, Киев (Financial brokerage company - Call center)

Result: +300% sales grow in 3 months. Recruiting sales people and delivering training programs to Telephone Sales professionals: an introduction to financial industry & services, telephone sales skills. Providing individual coaching sessions and auditing sales quality. Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the corporate sales process.

Head of Sales excellence / Sales Coach-Trainer for Ukraine. English / Russian

з 09.2014 по 07.2015 (10 місяців)
Bayadera Group, Ukraine (FMCG industry), Kyiv (FMCG, alcohol distribution company in Ukraine)

Result: annual training plan has been prepared first time in company’s history and implemented. Conducting sales trainings for Sales professionals, Team leaders, Sales managers. Deployment of corporate Sales Tools & Standards. Deployment of IT solutions for training department.
The biggest alcohol distribution company in Ukraine, representing international alcohol brands – Moet, Veuve Сlicquot, Don Perignon, Hennessy, Remy Marten, Johnnie Walker, Baileys, Sheridan etc; Local brands - Khlebni Dar, Kozatska Rada, Persha Gildiya, Marengo, Koblevo etc. Company staff 4500+ employees. Sales Force 1200+ employees.

Sales Excellence Manager/ Sales Coach Trainer for Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries

з 01.2003 по 05.2014 (11 років 4 місяці)
DHL Express International (Germany), Kiev, Moscow (Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics)

Results per year:
2013 - DHL Russia is #1 worldwide in absolute EBIT (before China) as result of revenue growth in Q3 & Q4
2013 - DHL Russia is #1 in Europe region (39 countries) in Selling Against Competitor campaign
2012 - DHL Russia is #1 in Europe region (31 countries) in Selling Import Product campaign
2011 - DHL Ukraine within TOP10 countries with best Sales Excellence results in region (125 countries).
2010 - DHL Ukraine is #1 with Sales Excellence Award within region (125 courtiers).

Head of Sales Ukraine

з 01.2001 по 03.2002 (1 рік 2 місяці)
RAUTARUUKKI OY, Finland, Kyiv (Construction materials)

Responsible for sales targets achievement

Head of Sales Ukraine

з 04.2000 по 01.2001 (9 місяців)
ELECTROLUX AB, Sweden, Kyiv (Mechanical engineering)

Responsible for sales targets achievement

Country Manager Ukraine

з 08.1994 по 08.1999 (5 років)
Moulinex S.A., France, Kyiv (Household equipment)

Responsible for sales targets achievement


National Academy of State Regulation & Public Administration, the President of Ukraine

State Regulation, Kiev
Вища, з 1996 по 1998 (1 рік 8 місяців)

Master of Public Administration

Technical University Ilmenau, Germany

Measurement systems and computers department, Ilmenau
Вища, з 1988 по 1989 (8 місяців)

Diplom-Engineer, Graduated with Honours

Technical University Kiev, Ukraine

Statistics, computers, measurement devices, Kiev
Вища, з 1982 по 1988 (5 років 9 місяців)

Engineer, Graduated with Honours

Знання і навички

Вождение авто

Додаткова інформація

As you look to build a world-class sales organization, make sure that you are focused on the right things. As sales managers and business leaders, it is not our job to grow sales. It is our job to grow our salespeople in quantity and quality. The following five initiatives are the main areas that must be focused on when building a world-class sales organization: (1)Finding good people, (2)Getting them to join our team, (3)Getting them trained and producing, (4)Growing them into top producers, (5)Keeping them”.

I am the Head of Sales, World Class Sales expert and sales coach-trainer with 20+ years of experience within international companies Credit Agricole Bank (France), Deutsche Post DHL (Germany), Electrolux (Sweden), Moulinex (France), Caparol (Germany), Rautaruuki (Finland). Experience with industries – banking, financial services / forex trading, insurance, air-express courier service, medical tourism, fmcg, home appliances, video-audio equipment, construction materials, ferro/non-ferro metals, chemicals, import & export trading.

Areas of specialization - sales management, sales audit & consulting, sales coaching, trainings delivery, sales tools including CRM & Scorecards, reporting analysis, recruiting, sales development. Scriptologist. Also have management & administration experience. English - fluent, Ukrainian & Russian – native, Italian & German - basic. Advance skills in computer usage and business applications. Driving license - since 1991.

Key words – Forex, Cryptocurrency Exchange, NFT, DeFi, Metaverse, Call Center, Sip, Voiso, CommPeak, Leads, Conversion, Retention, Recovery, Telesales, Telemarketing, DMAIC, Lean, SIPOC, SIX SIGMA, SCRUM, CRM, Scorecard, KPI, Siebel, Dynamics, SalesForce, Bitrix, HubSpot, vTiger, Pipeline, Sales Channels, Sales Process, Sales Quality, Targeting, Activity, Opportunity, Loyalty, Acquisition, Retention, Ratio, Visio, Business Studio, E-learning, Online, LMS, iSpring, Captivate, SkillSoft, Moodle, Mzinga, Drupal, WebTutor, Mirapolis, WebConferencing, Webex, Zoom, Tixeo, MS Teams, Adobe Connect, MS Project, WordPress, Google Tools, Power Point, Outlook.


Trainings for Team Leaders and Mid Managers

•300% sales grow in 3 months (business-project)
•World Class Sales - standard implementation process (business project)
•Self Learning Organization - standard implementation process (business project)
•Global Sales Stimulation Cycles - standard implementation process (business project)
•Global Sales Audit – standard implementation process (business project)
•Sales Strategy Alignment (business-consulting)
•Sales Processes & Tools for Sales Team Leaders
•Sales Skills Overview for

Trainings for Sales Executives

•Customer Retention
•Customer Acquisition
•Telephone Sales Skills
•Sales Induction
•Sales Standards and Processes
•Sales Tools for Sales Executives
•One Day in Life of Sales Executive
•Consultative Selling for VIP customers
•Contracting & Advanced Negotiation with VIP customers
•Advanced Customer Management for VIP customers
•Time Management for Sales People
•Opportunity Management


•Introduction to Quality Management and ISO 9000:2000 – BVQI, July, 2001
•Recruiting Skills – DHL Express Int., April, 2003
•Sales Management – DHL Express Int., June, 2004
•Train The Trainer: Selling in physical channels - DHL Express Int., August, 2005
•Train The Trainer: Selling in Customer Service - DHL Express Int., September, 2005
•Project Management - DHL Express Int., April, 2006
•Train The Trainer: Best in Class Sales 1 – DHL Express Int. & TACK Int., October, 2006
•Best in Class Sales Management Coaching – DHL Express Int. & TACK Int., September, 2007
•Training development, level 2 - DHL Express Int., June, 2008
•Train The Trainer: Sales Coaching – DHL Express & Richardson, February, 2010
•Train the Trainer: Best in Class Sales 2 – DHL Express, March, 2010
•Facilitator Skills - DHL Express Int., October, 2011
•Train The Facilitator: Sales Management - DHL Express Int., October, 2011
•Train The Facilitator: Relationship Sales - DHL Express Int., December, 2011
•Train The Facilitator: Sales Tools & Processes - DHL Express Int., December, 2011
•DiSC® Evaluation Specialist – DHL Express Int., December, 2011
•DMAIC & Lean Master Bronze Certificate – Deutsche Post DHL, 2012


•Grant for the fruitful cooperation and assistance in program of self-employment for migrants from the Crimea and East Ukraine. USAID, KrymSOS. Kiev. April, 2016
•Grant for the fruitful cooperation and assistance in program of self-employment for migrants from the Crimea and East Ukraine. USAID, KrymSOS. Kiev. September, 2015
•Grant for the fruitful cooperation and assistance in program “How to start your business” for migrants from the Crimea and East Ukraine. USAID, KrymSOS. Kiev. November, 2015

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