Резюме від 20 травня 2024 PRO


Oil and gas senior engineer-technologist, 250 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
51 рік
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та адресу.

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Досвід роботи


з 07.2010 по 06.2011 (11 місяців)
Region (oil and gas fields service jobs)

I worked in service company “Region” of oil and gas profile on post of technologist from Jule 2010 to June 2011. In this period I took part in exploration of well with coiled tubing and nitrogen unit and without. I have developed plans of execution of works, organization technical-technological regulations and standards on geological-technical step (GTS). Directly I took part in carrying out of intensifications of hydrocarbons influx and maintenance-isolation works for limitation of waterflow in oil and gas wells. I good know how to use principles of designing and conduct of GTS on stage of withdrawal of well from drilling and repair, their technical-technological performances.
In October 2011 I had training and checking of knowledge on 72 hours programs of acts in liquidation of oil and gas displays with registration of requirement of “Rules of safety in oil and gas recovery industry of Ukraine” in training centre of state specializing againstfountain service “SVARC” (certificate).
In beginning 2011 “Region” was acknowledged “The Company 2010 in Ukraine”.

Senior scientific collaborator

з 12.1994 по 01.2009 (14 років 1 місяць)
Chernigiv branch of Ukrainian state geological institute (exploration research)

From 1995 I worked by engineer, from 2005 - by scientific collaborator, from 2006 by duty acting, and from 2008 – by senior scientific collaborator.
I acquired practical knowledge of work with ejector pumps and bottomhole equipment. I operating by information about collectors type, about methods of it’s opening by drilling, manners of completion and casing in dependence from type. Complex of geophysical methods with laboratory tests of core are using by me for adoption of decision about intensification of productivity and choice of exploitation regime.
From 1997 to 2007 twenty scientific work was published by me. I improved method of removal of liquid from bottomhole of deep gascondensate well with help of special devices, arrangement of which are calculating on results of hydrodynamics tests.
Series of my works are devoted to study and practical using of physical-chemical processes, which are occur in productive layers at exploration and development of theirs.


Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Oil and gas field, Ivano-Frankivsk
Вища, з 1989 по 1994 (4 роки 8 місяців)

I received candidate degree (technical scienses) in 2004 from Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas for defence of dissertation is devoted to choice of intensification method of hydrocarbons influx from gascondencate lowporosity siliciclastic reservoirs.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Teletrade Kompany

2009, 3 month

Знання і навички

Design MS Excel Completion, stimulation, exploration & producing of well

Знання мов

Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

Shevchenko Igor Mikolayovich

I was born in 1972 2 Jule in Chernigov. I am not marry. I live in Chernigiv, Mstislavska street, 130/25, 14033. Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»). E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
I made off middle school № 27 of Chernigov in 1989.
In 1995 I graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk state technical university of oil and gas on speciality “Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields” (Diploma of mine engineer).
I worked in service company “Region” of oil and gas profile on post of technologist from Jule 2010 to June 2011. In this period I took part in exploration of well with coiled tubing and nitrogen unit and without. I have developed plans of execution of works, organization technical-technological regulations and standards on geological-technical step (GTS). Directly I took part in carrying out of intensifications of hydrocarbons influx and maintenance-isolation works for limitation of waterflow in oil and gas wells. I good know how to use principles of designing and conduct of GTS on stage of withdrawal of well from drilling and repair, their technical-technological performances.
In October 2011 I had training and checking of knowledge on 72 hours programs of acts in liquidation of oil and gas displays with registration of requirement of “Rules of safety in oil and gas recovery industry of Ukraine” in training centre of state specializing againstfountain service “SVARC” (certificate).
In beginning 2011 “Region” was acknowledged “The Company 2010 in Ukraine”.
Before labor in “Region” I worked in Chernigiv branch of Ukrainian state geological institute from 1994 to 2009. From 1995 I worked by engineer, from 2005 - by scientific collaborator, from 2006 by duty acting, and from 2008 – by senior scientific collaborator.
I acquired practical knowledge of work with ejector pumps and bottomhole equipment. I operating by information about collectors type, about methods of it’s opening by drilling, manners of completion and casing in dependence from type. Complex of geophysical methods with laboratory tests of core are using by me for adoption of decision about intensification of productivity and choice of exploitation regime.
In 2001 I finished post-graduate course in Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas, and in 2004 there I defended of a thesis “Characters of intensification of hydrocarbons influx in exploration process of gascondensate lowporosity siliciclastic reservoir”. (Diploma of candidate of technical science). Scientific director is prof., d.t.s. Yjaremijchuk R.S., vice-president of Ukrainian oil and gas academy.
From 1997 to 2007 twenty scientific work was published by me. I improved method of removal of liquid from bottomhole of deep gascondensate well with help of special devices, arrangement of which are calculating on results of hydrodynamics tests.
Series of my works are devoted to study and practical using of physical-chemical processes, which are occur in productive layers at exploration and development of theirs.
In 2006 patent of my co-authorship with famous specialist was acknowledged the patent of 2005 year in DC “Ukrgasvidobuvannja”.
In 2007 my monograph “Hydrodynamics of compound building reservoirs of lowpermian and bashkiric complexes of Dnieper-Donetsk depression” (DDd) was published. I owning on high level by technology of conducting of hydrodynamical tests of wells and processing of theirs, which was received in process of drilling, exploration and exploitation. I have a big field experience on wells of Srebnjanska depression of DDd and Crimea. I labored a few years on additional contracts for NAC “Naftogas Ukraini” and Shell.
I using Corell Draw and Excell for building of scheme and working out of calculating programs. I know good the technical and have colloquial English. My hobby are fishing and football.
I claim on position of assistant of technical director on exploration, maintenance, recovery or trouble works in compound mine-technical conditions of well.
I waiting payment from 920 USD or 25000 ryvnya for month.

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