Резюме від 13 березня 2024 PRO


Head of Digital Marketing, 90 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
32 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Internet marketer, Targetologist (Contract)

з 02.2022 по нині (2 роки 4 місяці)
Borders of SND and EU (freelance), Удаленно (IT)

Studying business projects of clients and competitors.

Analytics, development and optimization of social media networks, landings/landing pages, and the formation of a large number of leads for the incoming line.

Landing page development, end-to-end analytics and SEO (collection of SL, linking, link mass, articles / blogs for trust and site ranking + source)

Google and Facebook ads
Bid adjustment and optimization by day, GEO, time, etc., interests and hobbies

Email newsletters, promotion of new channels, groups and other things.

Marketing strategies for different channels for 1-12 months (SMM, video and photo content, advertising products, online advertising)

Advertising campaigns without draining the budget.
Working with Google Ads, Facebook ads, Analitics, Yandex, esputnik, Mailchimp, Google My Business, Keyword Planner, Insights and social networks networks.

Separate budgets for each company, cost optimization and analysis and output of a stable conversion.

Work with contractors on sites or personal maintenance of the site (semantics, SEO, content for articles, translations, customer experience) offline advertising and reviews.

Head of the marketing department

з 08.2021 по 11.2022 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Financial company, Киев (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

Analysis of business processes of the company and competitors.

Analytics, development and optimization of advertising campaigns, social. networks, landing/landing pages on sites, and increasing the number of relevant customers for the inbound line/applications.

Marketing strategies from various channels for 3 - 12 months (SMM, video and photo content, promotional products, online advertising, work with aggregators and info sites)

Improvement of site positions through SEO (collection of SEO, relinking, reference mass, articles/blogs for trust and ranking of the site + primary source and other technical edits)

Google and Facebook ads
Adjustment of rates and optimization by days, GEO, time, etc., interests and hobbies

Work with Google Ads, LinkedIn, Facebook ads, Analitics, Yandex, esputnik, Mailchimp, Google Business, Pinterest, and social. network

Email newsletters, SMS notifications/newsletters, promotion of new channels, groups and more.

Separate budgets for each campaign/channel, cost optimization and analysis with the output of a stable conversion.

Work with site contractors or personal site management (semantics, SEO, filling with articles, translations, customer experience, content and banners), offline advertising and feedback

Internet Marketer, Targetologist

з 04.2021 по 09.2021 (5 місяців)
Contract work, Kiev, Удаленно ((E-commerce))

Studying the business process of the company.

Analytics and formation of warm leads for the incoming line. SEO (collection of YA, linking, link mass, article placement for trust and site ranking + primary source)

Google and Facebook ads
Adjustment of bids and optimization by day, GEO, time, etc., interests and hobbies and other settings + manual maintenance.

RK without draining the budget.
Working with Google Ads, Facebook ads, Analitics, Search Console

Separate budgets for each company, cost optimization and analysis and output of a stable conversion.

Work with contractors / coordination on sites or personal site management (semantics, SEO, filling with articles, translations, customer experience, layout and optimization, work with images and additional services) and reviews.

Lead Marketer

з 11.2020 по 05.2021 (6 місяців)
Contract work, Kiev, Киев ((Electrical installation equipment and services (B2B and B2C)))

Building a marketing strategy for 1 year from scratch.

Study of competitors' business projects.

Analytics, development and optimization of social networks, landing pages / landing pages, and the formation of a large number of leads for the incoming line.

Landing page development, end-to-end analytics and SEO (collection of YA, linking, link mass, articles / blogs for trust and site ranking + primary source)

Google and Facebook ads
Adjustment of rates and optimization by day, GEO, time, etc., interests and hobbies

Email mailing, promotion of new channels, groups and more.

Marketing strategies through different channels for 6-12 months (SMM, video and photo content, advertising products, online advertising)

RK without draining the budget.
Working with Google Ads, Facebook ads, Analitics, Yandex, esputnik, Mailchimp, Google My Business and social. networks.

Separate budgets for each company, cost optimization and analysis and output of a stable conversion.

Working with contractors on sites or personal site management (semantics, SEO, filling articles, translations, customer experience) offline advertising and reviews.

Key specialist in the development of Internet Projects

з 01.2019 по 08.2021 (2 роки 7 місяців)
Contract work, Kyiv (E-commerce (E-mail marketing), FX)

Development of new FX projects
Study of competitors business projects.
Analytics, development and optimization of social networks, sites, blogs and the formation of a large number of leads for trust.
Landing page development, end-to-end analytics and SEO.

Email mailing, promotion of new channels, groups and etc.

Working with Google Ads, Analitics, Yandex, esputnik, Mailchimp, Google My Business, Estismail and social, networks.

Head of Sales Department

з 05.2015 по 08.2018 (3 роки 3 місяці)
Shield Ukraine (Poland), Kyiv (Wholesale and retail trade in equipment and chemicals for swimming pools)

I personally worked with 3 trading platforms (AllBiz, Zakupka, Prom marketplaces) until the end of 2018. (SEO, articles, content and advertising, promotions) from $ 500 / month
Arrangement with Rosette for placement of some positions.

RK (Google Ads) for https://shieldcovers.com/ from $ 400 / month

1: C
Product accounting system: My warehouse, Bitrix.
Google analytics, Google Ads, Google My Business, SEO, Google Sites, WIX, Gsuite, Yandex, Mailchimp, esputnik, Estismail, Reviews and promotion.

Head of Sales Department
from 08.2015 to 07.2018 (With interruptions in cooperation)
Shield Ukraine, Kiev (Sales of covers and equipment for pools)
-Examination of the entire list of goods from scratch, scope. -
- Formation of a base of potential clients, attraction and distribution of materials for cooperation.
-Education of loyal regular customers as representatives, preparation and holding of exhibitions.
-Increasing sales.
-Development of the dealer network.
-Work with companies and buyers throughout Ukraine and the CIS countries.
-Supplies to retail outlets and online stores.
-Presentations and meetings with direct and wholesale customers.
- The accumulated base of pool companies.
-Retail sales to neighboring countries.
-Formation of a pricing policy for retail sales, wholesale customers and direct representatives.
-Decoration of selling pages and websites of the company on paid message boards.



CST, system programming, Donetsk
Незакінчена вища, з 2009 по 2015 (5 років 8 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Mini MBA Professional (08.2020 (1 месяц))

(08.2020 (1 month))

Email marketing, SendPulse (2020)

06.2020 (1 month)

Remote Worker, CDB

(2020, 1 month)



Знання і навички

CRM Google Ads Бітрікс24 Google Analytics HTML Bitrix24 CSS WordPress SEO Facebook Ads Manager Битрикс24 Уміння аналізувати Facebook Accounting Tilda Ability to analyze Умение анализировать Mailchimp Google Реклама eSputnik Wix 1С:Торгівля і склад 1C:Trade and warehouse LinkedIn Google My Business Pinterest Advertising МійСклад AppsFlyer Promotion Firebase Хостинг МойСклад Сайти Google Сайты Google Google Sites 1С:Торговля и склад

Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

-Not married;
-International passport;
- I have no bad habits;
- Sports, coin collecting, travel

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