Резюме від 1 червня 2024 PRO


Supply Chain Manager

Повна зайнятість.
46 років
Місто проживання:
Інші країни
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Інші країни, Київ, Полтава

Контактна інформація

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Досвід роботи

Material Engineering Specification and Procurement Coordinator

з 02.2023 по нині (1 рік 4 місяці)
Fingleton White, Ireland (Енергетика)

Co-ordination with drafting team to establish efficiencies with developing material takes offs from drawings and Reviewing P&IDs to prepare long lead material take offs for review by design engineers and reporting to Materials lead,
· Maintained approved vendor list and stock inventory, identify relevant stock codes, raised purchase requisitions and tracked purchase orders, arranged 3rd party inspection of materials,
· maintained register tracking the life cycle of the procurement process,
· Prepared datasheets and specifications for review by design engineers,
Reported on procurement process and tracking delivery dates for a number of projects.

Procurement and Logistics Manager

з 05.2021 по 03.2022 (10 місяців)
Everad, Полтава (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

•Responsible for all direct / indirect procurement functions of the department, carrying out KPI reviews, monitoring and setting the budget, developing relationships with suppliers
•Streamlined the procedures to obtain maximum efficiency, reduced the number of warehouses from 3 to 1 by sourcing a warehouse with sufficient space and organised the relocation of all products
•Carried out risk assessments on suppliers, performed all the requisitions, quotations, purchasing as per compliance and due-diligence policies
•Source new suppliers and supply chain sources and organised meetings with new vendors to ensure compliance with the Companies Quality Procedures and certification.
•Monitored and reported on the purchase order schedules and tracked payment flow for the received and delivered material as per contract declaration, ensured contracts were upheld
•Implemented a warehouse management system in this new premises which led to increased efficiency in locating items and 10% less items returned
•Updated the order process from an excel spreadsheet to a new central software system in the Ukrainian sales office, which increased the speed at which orders were placed and delivered
•Analysed and audited potential courier logistics service providers in India
•Reduced the number of courier services used from 5 to 1, negotiated a lucrative deal with the courier services, which also led to reduced paperwork for the finance / accounting departments.

Supply Chain /Procurement /Logistics Manager

з 07.2017 по 04.2021 (3 роки 9 місяців)
LLC “GLOBAL RENTALS”, Poltava (Гірнича промисловість)

•Established and registered the company which rented and sold oil and gas drilling equipment
•Responsible for importing the equipment, hiring personnel, sourcing the warehouse
•Organized the quotations for the drilling equipment from potential vendors across Canada, USA and UK
•Prepared tenders and quotations to provide oil and gas drilling equipment to drilling projects in Ukraine
•Prepared the quotation and documentation with finance and commercial departments for participating in local tenders including all costs, taxes and VAT, shipping and logistics expenses incurred
•Organised the importation of equipment, ensured it was inspected before delivery to end user, arranged the loading and unloading the equipment to deliver to customers
•Prepared invoices and shipping documentation in Russian, English and Ukrainian languages
•Sourced and purchased equipment where possible in the local market to reduce shipping costs and increase the profit by 25% through direct imports
•Involved in the preparation of the budget for the coming year and reporting the monthly and yearly performance of purchasing to finance and operations department.

Deputy Director of Procurement

з 08.2016 по 02.2017 (6 місяців)
GPU “Poltavagasvydobuvannya” PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya”, Poltava (Гірнича промисловість)

•Collaborated with Compliance and Audit units on procurement compliance audits and policy input
•Controlled and managed the inventory in the warehouse, carrying out daily and weekly meetings with cross functional departments for chasing the PO status and arrival / dispatch of materials
•Ensured effective use of material and financial resources, reducing expenditures through e-tender platforms
•Applied KPI’s to motivate the team and meet with the dead line;
•Engaged in the management of the annual operations’ budgetary formation and notified the finance department about savings from each tender on a quarterly basis.
•Responsible for Inter-departmental relationship management
•Prepared tenders, reducing time to process requisitions by 30%, resulting in cost savings of 30%

Procurement & logistics specialist

з 12.2010 по 08.2016 (5 років 8 місяців)
LLC “Weatherford Ukraine”, Poltava (Гірнича промисловість)

•Initiated the compliance, audit and due diligence procedure for registration of vendors to the approved list
•Tracked payment flow for the received and delivered material as per contract declaration
•Negotiated and concluded the contracts with local and international suppliers
•Controlled the processes of planning RFQ, purchasing and logistics
•Optimised the direct / indirect procurement process and documentation control, by selecting one or two vendors, negotiating deals based on the volume of orders and loyalty of custom.
•Optimised the shipping expenses, planned the ETA of goods by air and road, consolidated cargo to a central point in Europe and used just one truck for shipping, which reduced the transit time by 25%
•Developed the vendor management plan, to vet new vendors which involved a compliance check, due diligence, ISO certification and checking their capability to deliver the goods needed


Poltava national technical university

Electromechanical, oil & gas field equipment, Poltava
Вища, з 1995 по 2002 (6 років 9 місяців)

1995-2000 Passed the bachelor degree in oil & gas field equipment from Poltava state technical university named in the honor of Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine as a mechanical engineer.
2001 Passed the specialist degree in oil & gas field equipment from Poltava state technical university named in the honor of Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine as a mechanical engineer.
2002 Passed the master degree in oil & gas field equipment from Poltava national technical university named in the honor of Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine as a mechanical engineer.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

CIPPTM - (Certified in Strategic Procurement & Supply chain)


EPIC Pre-Employment Training Programme (Business in the Community Ireland)


Foundations of Project Management (Coursera | Google)


Project Management Foundations, Global Logistics and understanding logistics (LinkedIn)


CV workshop and consultancies FIT (Fastrack into Information Technology)


Procurement methods and tools training certificate by Deloitte in Kyiv, Ukraine


•QHSE, JD EDWARDS, Code of business conduct, Trade compliance, safe start (Weatherford)


Manual Handling

2023 - 2026

Safe Pass

2023 - 2027

Member of Institute of Engineers Ireland

September 2023

Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word MS Office PC User Internet User MS PowerPoint MS Outlook Internet Explorer Outlook Express CAD The Bat! Grammatically correct speech Express  End-to-End Supply Chains  Global Transportation Logistics Vendor, Operation, Pricing negotiations & Contract Management Materials Management, Data & Root Cause Analysis

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — просунутий
  • Хінді — вільно

Додаткова інформація

An experienced Supply Chain & Logistics Professional with over 10 years international experience in negotiations e-commerce and operations for service, trading and manufacturing companies. An excellent communicator with vast experience in contracts and negotiated pricing, managed & developed relationships with key suppliers, auditing and focusing on efficiency improvements and cost savings. A fluent English, Hindi, Russian and Ukrainian speaker skilled in software and Excel including ERP, is looking for a role of Procurement and Logistics Manager.

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