Резюме від 21 травня 2024 Файл


Фінансовий аналітик

21 рік
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Vladyslav Kryvets
About me
I graduated from Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman with a bachelor's
degree in corporate finance. My academic achievements are evidence of my dedication and capacity for
deep analysis. I have practical experience in the development and auditing of financial systems. For 2
years, she worked at Bakertilly as an assistant accountant-audit. During this time successfully
implemented audit standards and effectively conducted financial monitoring.
The goal of my career in auditing is to provide clients with the highest level of auditing services, providing
them with the credibility and reliability of financial information. I am ready to contribute to the
development of your company and the growth of the audit industry.

Audit accountant | BakerTilly
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Telegram)
2 years
I worked as an assistant accountant in BakerTilly for two years, from February 10, 2020 to February 10, 2022. During this
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») work, I gained a lot of experience in the field of auditing and accounting.
As an auditor, I had the opportunity to audit various companies in detail, including LuxOptica and Ferrexpo. I thoroughly
analyzed their financial statements and processes, identifying potential problems and deficiencies. My careful approach
LinkedIn and ability to spot problems helped ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting.
In addition to the main duties, I also successfully performed additional tasks. I was assigned to carry out three inventories
of other companies. I performed these tasks even when working after hours and at night, ensuring that the work was
Kyiv, Ukraine - remote/ relocate completed in a timely and quality manner.
Can work autonomy in case of Overall, my work as an assistant accountant at BakerTilly allowed me to develop my attention, analysis and computer
power outages skills. I am ready to use this experience and skills in my future work. Completed Financial Accounting and Accounting

Financial analyst |Intecracy group
Knowledge of audit standards 2 month
and the ability to implement
II worked as a financial analyst for 2 months. During this time I was engaged in:
Development of business plans: Successfully created several detailed business plans for the company, taking into account
High level of financial literacy market trends, competitor analysis and financial forecasts.
and ability to analyze financial Cash flow management: Effectively managed the company's cash flows, ensuring continuous monitoring and analysis of
reports. cash inflows and outflows to maintain a stable financial position.
Effective use of audit programs Financial analysis: Performed analysis of the company's financial indicators, including analysis of profit and loss
statements, balance sheets and other financial documents, to ensure informed management decisions.
and analysis tools.
Forecasting and planning: Developed short-term and long-term financial forecasts that allowed the company to identify
High competence in the use of potential risks and opportunities for growth.
various information systems. Left the company due to lack of career growth.
Ability to work in a team and I am currently looking for a similar job with the possibility of development and career growth
communicate with clients at a
professional level.
Languages: English (Upper-


Finance, banking
and insurance
Kyiv National Economic University
named after Vadym Hetman

2019 - 2023

Схожі кандидати

Дистанційно, Харків

Фінансовий менеджер

Фінансовий менеджер
Дистанційно, Київ

Фінансовий аналітик
Дистанційно, Івано-Франківськ , ще 4 міста

Фінансовый менеджер
Дистанційно, Київ

Специалист по финансовому мониторингу профессиональных участников рынка ЦБ
Дистанційно, Дніпро , ще 6 міст

Усі схожі кандидати

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