Резюме від 27 квітня 2024 Файл


Web-програміст, e-commerce, модератор інтернет-магазину, контент-менеджер

48 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Файл містить ще 2 сторінки

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.


Sociable, energetic, purposeful, result-oriented, responsible,
have a flexible thinking. I am able to find quick and easy
solutions in difficult situations. Analytical mind.
I am able to organize, assemble a team and work in a team


extensive leadership experience
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
consultations on networks and network technologies;

selection of computer and network equipment;

resolving issues and consulting in various IT areas;
@ [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
consultations on advertising, marketing, promotion of
goods and services, information resources;

consultation, assistance and development of business
Kiev, Ukraine processes;

creation of web sites of varying complexity - from
business card sites to stores, corporate sites

refactoring existing sites

transfer of sites from various databases and
technologies to more modern ones;

administration, setting up unix / linux servers /

negotiating on behalf of various companies

development, writing business plans for technical, agro
and social projects

participation in conferences

organization of online stores: design and writing,
selection of suppliers, development of pricing policies,
LANGUAGE selection of subjects, recruitment and training of
personnel and launch of ready-made business models

participation in various public IT events

have experience in sales, development of new products

RUS and solutions

experience in working with large corporate clients

FR (banks, insurance, retail chains, etc.)

Well versed in cars, auto parts, auto chemistry

Experience of participation in eco-projects

Organization and holding of sports competitions,

Rights category "B"

Own car

HTML5 Linux administration
https://www.rosebg.kiev.ua CSS2/3 VDS, VPS
http://www.flat.com.ua PHP 5.x/7.x Apache
http://www.empirica.com.ua FW: Phalcon, Kohana Lighttps
http://www.lorin.com.ua Mysql/MariaDB
CMS: Opencart, Dovecot
Joomla, WordPress Native OS : Gentoo

Photoshop I understand cars,
Photoshop Gimp spare parts, auto
Gimp Inkscape chemistry
Inkscape Fireworks Experience of
QuarkPress Freehand participation in eco-
Fireworks QuarkPress projects
Freehand Illustrator Organization and
Illustrator etc holding of sports
competitions, contests
Rights category "B"
Own car

Opencart (full-stack, development / revision / installation:
extensions, modules, themes. Administration. Transfer of
other engines to opencart, migration) - about 50 sites

Joomla (full-stack, development / installation / revision:
extensions, modules, components, themes. Administration,
migration, etc.) - more than 100 sites

We had our own projects, including e-commerce

Work with VDS, VPS, various hosting providers

DB (design, optimization, work with the database)

OS: Linux (Gentoo, Debian), Windows

Linux administration

Setup and maintenance of various network equipment

Practical knowledge in the field of IT, server and network

Fluency in office software and specialized software, as well
as various CRM, TT

Experience with designer software

Well versed in cars, auto parts, auto chemistry

Experience of participation in eco-projects

Organization and holding of sports competitions, contests

NTUU (KPI) 1992 - 1997
National Technical
University of Ukraine
Faculty: Instrument making
Specialty: Engineer of optical-electronic devices
and laser systems
Qualification: engineer


PJSC “Farlep-Invest” 09/2008 - 06/2018
(the operator of fixed-line communications and the Internet

Head of Network Monitoring Department

management of three groups (Kiev, Dnepr, Odessa)

integration of monitoring systems into a single interface

change of business processes of monitoring, interaction of
the monitoring department with adjacent
departments, contractors

optimization of monitoring systems, expansion of
monitoring parameters of devices and services

implementation of VIP client monitoring and interaction
with them

development of business requirements and specifications
for the development of information systems in
accordance with existing business processes

building communications with related units in branches

control of eliminating accidents and carrying out planned

interaction with partners and contractors

development of instructions, procedures, policies and
documentation both within the department and
within the technical directorate

search, selection and training of personnel

writing TK for information systems (modules, additional
functionality), monitoring systems

reporting automation

reporting for technical and general directors, directors of
Head of Operational Support Center (Monitoring

integration of monitoring systems into a single interface

change of business processes of monitoring and
interaction with related operational departments

development of business requirements and TK for
information systems in accordance with business

extension of the Technical Support Center functionality to
the West, East, Northeast, and South branches

building communications with related units in branches

administration of the holding monitoring system

creation of a mechanism for notifying the relevant
subdivisions about network accidents

control of elimination of accidents

control of the planned work

interaction with contractors

creating instructions for technical units

writing TK for information systems (modules, additional
functionality), monitoring systems

development, coordination of various company policies
and procedures

support and administration of the monitoring system of
the holding, correction of errors in the code, writing
scripts, etc.

search, selection and training of personnel

Head of Technical Support Center

creating a department from scratch

solution of technical problems of subscribers (including
corporate and VIP: banks, insurance, partners, operators,

building communications with related units

change, replacement and optimization of customer
service business processes and repair of damage /

analysis of the work of operational divisions and
optimization of their work

Establishment of branch network monitoring

creation of a mechanism for notifying the relevant
subdivisions about network accidents

reporting development

control elimination of accidents

control of the planned work

participation in the development of instructions, policies
and procedures of the company

participation in seminars

work with contractors

search, selection and training of personnel

Head of Emergency Technical Support

organization of technical support for companies Farlep,
Optima, Intercom, IPS based on TP “IP Telecom”

search, selection and training of personnel

development of policies, procedures, documentation,
documents for internal use by the department

implementation of the TT system for communications with
related units

distribution of responsibilities between technical and
commercial units

development of indicators of the quality of the
department and staff in areas

adherence to temporary standards to eliminate subscriber

optimization of processes in communication and
interaction with related departments to speed up the
solution of problems of subscribers

formalization of tasks

introduction of various tools to assess the quality of
customer service

contact center creation

search, selection, staff training

development of instructions, regulatory and technical
documentation for the contact center

staff training information systems

development of standards for contact center

development and creation of IVR

reporting development

IPTelecom Ltd 1/1999 — 09/2008
(Internet provider, Kiev)

Head of Technical Support departmeni

creating a new technical support department

search, selection and training of personnel

creation of algorithms and mechanisms for the interaction
of company departments with technical support

increasing the range of tasks

reporting implementation

work on keeping subscribers

participation in the development and testing of new
products and services

creating your own reference site for internal technical
needs of the department

network equipment setup

testing equipment

writing articles, publications

selection of software for client tasks for different
operating systems

organization of abuse services based on TP

help and development of sites for clients of the company

speeches and publications in the media from the technical

Technical Support Engineer

telephone customer technical advice

departure to clients for software and hardware settings

JSC «Blitz-Inform» 09/1997 — 02/1998
(publishing house, Kiev)
magazine layout engineer

scanning of photo materials (slides, photos)

color correction

selection of photographic materials

preparation of images for printing in publications:
"Natalie", "Capital", "Business"

work with packaging
JSC «Veles» 12/1995 — 05/1997
(store of household goods, Kiev)

Marketing Director

development of promotions

search and selection of suppliers

development of corporate style shop

customer service training

Advertising agent

store decoration

distribution of advertising in the media

participation in promotions


fishing, photography, gardening, reading, IT, philosophy,
esoterica, nature, sport, powerlifting

Схожі кандидати

Розробник C++

Усі схожі кандидати

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