Резюме від 27 травня 2024 PRO


Finance, sales, IT manager (Senior)

Повна зайнятість.
42 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Васильків, Глеваха, Київ, Чабани

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та Facebook.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of Finance Service

з 06.2020 по нині (4 роки)
ILTA AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED, Киев (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

* All types of bank financing, audit andgoing through a creditor review.
* Management of the portfolio of the company's foreign clients.
* Expanding the client base and ensuring the growth of sales volumes.
* Analysis and control of financial transactions; accounting of assets, property of a group of enterprises.
* Investment attraction, cash flow management.
* Monitoring and control of current loans, optimization of the loan portfolio.
* Cooperation with banking and financial institutions - reporting, preparation of a package of documents.

Deputy Branch Director

з 06.2018 по 06.2020 (2 роки)
Coral Club International, Київ (Медицина, охорона здоров'я, аптеки)

• Control of financial contracts and payments.
• Organization and participation in inventories, revaluations, branch audits.
• Maintenance and organization of goods logistics for distributors.
• Development of a strategy for the development and increase in sales of the company.
• Organization and implementation of events for a network of distributors.

Deputy Head of Credit Operations Department/General Manager

з 08.2007 по 06.2018 (10 років 10 місяців)
Diamantbank, Киев (Finance, banking, and insurance)

• Management of credit and collateral operations, risk management.
• Development and development of regional network projects, staff training.
• Development of relationships with key customers and partners of the Bank.
• Fulfillment of sales targets and increase in the Bank's profitability.
• Maintenance of strategically important portfolios of the Bank.

Senior manager / Head of retail sales department

з 01.2004 по 08.2007 (3 роки 7 місяців)
SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, Киев (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

• Personnel management: selection, adaptation, motivation, training.
• Organization and control of the main trading processes.
• Implementation of the company's sales strategy.
• Participation in the organization of events and exhibitions.
• Organization of efficient logistics management.


Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Faculty of International Economics and Banking Management

Specialization banking management (master)., Киев
Вища, з 1999 по 2004 (5 років 2 місяці)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

The online course "Papa of the brand" by Andrei Fedoriv - Super people.


Internet marketing strategy (intensives).


Marketing communications (intensives).


Email Marketing Intensive.


International Business Center, Accounting.


Operator PC


IТ and software testing basis


Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word MS Office MS Outlook MS Access 1С:Предприятие Битрикс24 Графические редакторы Mailchimp SendPulse Водительские права категории «Б», наличие автомобиля. 1С:Підприємство Jira Slack Бітрікс24 Графічні редактори Водійські права кат. B Водіння авто Водительский права категории "В", наличие автомобиля 1C MS Power BI Bitrix24 ERP Driving license category "B", have a car LinkedIn Financial English Ведення переговорів Розвиток продажів Відкриття ТТ Продаж B2B Уміння аналізувати Управління асортиментом Підбір персоналу Самостійність Робота в команді Бізнес-планування Проведення презентацій Контроль дебіторської заборгованості Орієнтація на результат

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Польська — початковий
  • Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

I can:

- strong understanding of financial management and management accounting.
- negotiating, presentation, closing deals, sales research, sales strategy and analytics.
- planning, systematic business development, building strategies and tactics.
- experience with international clients and large contracts.
- ability to communicate with partners and defend the interests of the company.
- team management, conflict resolution, creation of a working environment.
- building a branch structure of the company from scratch, project management: planning, budgeting, request management, risk management.


Building the work of 12 branches and organizing the work of retail departments.
Creation of promising teams and training of more than 30 managers.
Growth in sales of banking services for the year by 40% and attraction of large customers for servicing through the creation of competitive products.
Increased the number of regional distributors from 5 to 25. Signed more than 20 distribution contracts. Development of methods to reduce company risks (cost reduction by 20%)
Reduced the loan application processing cycle from 5 to 2 days, while reducing the number of refusals by 2 times.
Assistance in launching a marketing startup (outsourcing) creating a base of more than 500 people. Attracting profitable investments in the company, reducing the credit burden by 15%.

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